horizontal electrophoresis

Maxi blu Elektrophoresekammer Set – kompatibel mit BioRad Sub-Cell Modell 192


Fully compatible with Sub-Cell Model 192 from BioRad!

Comple Set with casting stand  (gel caster), gel tray and 2 combs

Horziontal gel electrophoresis device incl. an UV transparent gel tray 250 x 250 (WxL), a stable gel casting stand and two combs (Combs with 26, 36, 44 and 52 teeth are available, lease indicate preference when ordering) Combs with 26 and 52 teeth are compatible with multichannel pipettes. Additional gel trays and combs can be odered separtatly. With a maximum of 12 comb positions, the electrophoresis chamber allows the simultaneous separation of up to 624 samples. The electrophoresis chamber is armed with 4mm connections for standard power supplies. For the use with Bio Rad power supplies an adaptor is needed, which can be purchased separatly at simplebiotech.

Lieferzeit: Lieferzeit 8-10 Tage


Electrophoresis chamber and all accessories are fully compatible with BioRad’s Sub-Cell Model 192. High-quality electrophoresis set consisting of a stable gel chamber made of acrylic glass, two UV transparent gel slides, two combs and a gel casting stand. The Maxi blu electrophoresis chamber and all accessories are compatible with the Sub Cell Modell 192 / 96 from Biorad. The Maxi blu gel casting stand adapts to the gel length by adjusting a sealing block and can be used for all offered gel lengths and for gel trays from other suppliers. Developed and produced in Germany.


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